Wednesday, July 22, 2009

It's about time

Well, bad me. I had forgotten I had a blog until I stumbled across it by accident. Duh... My last post was in January. Holy moly, it's already July. Viola Grace and I wrote a book together that has just been published. How did that come about? My editor in chief was stuck for a book and asked if I had something ready. Mmm, no, not quite ready, but one well on the way. Big problem though, I was kind of plot dumbed. I was chatting with Viola Grace, told her I was stuck, and asked her if she wanted to read it. She said, sure. Send it along. Viola read the story and came up with a ton of great plot ideas. I didn't want to use most of what she was talking about because after all, those were HER ideas, not mine. I said, okay, why don't you write some of that. So, she wrote a few thousand words, and after that it became a tag game. Back and forth between us until we reached 37000 or so words. It was fun and I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I'll have to dig through my files and see what other stories I've started and got stuck with, lol. Watch out, Viola...

The book is called Flame and it is available now at


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